Film Analysis - Narrative

Film Analysis - Narrative 

Levi-Strauss: Bianary Opposition

Narrative tension is based on opposition or conflict. This can be as simple as two characters fighting, but more functions at an ideological level - deeper message

eg: boy vs girl, good vs evil, young vs old, black vs white

Propp theory

basic narrative elements - functions 

8 character types within folktales, despite however many characters:

  • the hero: who goes on a quest and usually ends up with the princess
  • the villain: who is against the hero
  • the helper: helps the hero on their mission
  • the princess or prize: is usually the prize for the hero. The hero deserves her throughout the story and must overcome a task/defeat the villain to get her
  • her father: rewards the hero. Usually identifies the false hero
  • the donor: helps the hero and sometimes has a magical power/object to help
  • the false hero: takes credit for the hero's actions and tries to marry/end up with the princess
  • the dispatcher: who sets the hero off on their quest
Propp theory in Mean Girls





Her father

the donor

the false hero

the dispatcher

Todorov's Theory

  • all films being with equilibrium - a calm period
  • agents of disruption cause disequilibrium - period of unsettlement
  • the character realise the disruption and repair the situation
  • then harmony arises for the protagonists and equilibrium is reached again

Barthes theory

  • action codes are significant events which move the narrative in a particular direction, causing viewers to continue watching and question what will happen next
  • eg: she falls over, will he catch her?

  • enigma codes pose questions to the audience which are later answered in the film. The audience continue watching to find out
  • eg: who is she?

Altman theory

argues that genre offers audience a set of pleasures

  • emotional pleasures: how does the text make you feel - happy, sad, nostalgic
  • visceral pleasures: gut responses - excitement, fear
  • intellectual pleasures: does it make the audience think?


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