Data ♡
BARB data
- BARB stands for Broadcasters' Audience Research Board
- They collate viewing figures for all major UK broadcasters such as BBC, ITV & Sky
final episode, mostly viewed on demand pre-broadcast - people are eager to finish the program so although they may not watch the first episode straight away, once they become invested in the show they want to see the ending asap
Most people watched Killing Eve on a TV set - middle aged target audience so have more free time and more disposable income
25-34 watch mostly on tablet - it's accessible and available to watch on the go. that age are likely to work so they miss watching it at home on TVone reason why netflix is more popular as a video on demand service than amazon prime video (2)
- wide variety of exclusive content
- variety of film and tv genres
- celebrity endorsement
- netflix originals
- netflix is cheaper than amazon
- amazon - involved other services, pay for other content in addition to subscription
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