Micro Features
Micro features ♡
- sound - contrapuntal
- lighting - minimal, dark
- mise en scene - weather, costume
- shift in editing - shift in narrative
Horror as a genre reflects modern society fears - 1930s-1950s: horrors like frankenstein as post WW1 people were scared of the unstoppable. modern society: racial fears? (get out, 2017)
Get out, First scene: micro features/media language
Mise en scene
- dark lighting - night. connotes danger
- phone call - reflects normality
- white car - may reflect race differences
- car lights shown change from white to red - reflects shift in narrative and red connotes danger. white connotes pureness. change from innocence to danger
- one take/shot
- sound effects - music
- slow paced - tension builds
camera work
- camera moving down the street, following character - viewers are put in the characters position
- wide shot of street first, establishing shot, sets scene
- mid shot of character - connotes normality
- one take
- ends with another wide shot - cyclical: this is a repetitive thing that often occurs
- diegetic sound: phone call, nature sounds (wind, animals, dialogue, walking)
- contrapuntal sound, upbeat music - doesn't reflect the danger that is occurring
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